Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Three Lives

I am three people. Maybe more; it’s hard to know for certain. Through the days I participate in each life and wonder how long I can be each person without blowing my cover.
I am like a double agent, living these lives and avoiding their intersection. It’s not easy, and it isn’t that I like it or that I’m sure it is necessary, but this is my life.

I am a nursing student at Northern Michigan University. I’m not sure that I fit in, but when I think about it, I don’t think anyone feels like they do. NMU is made up of many nontraditional students. I am not the oldest student, I am not the only mother, and, if I investigated enough, I’d find that I don’t have the strangest political views. 

I spend my days on campus looking up drug information on my kindle and searching through pages of notes on pathology before learning the proper way to give a geriatric patient a bed bath. Being a nursing student is a juggling act. But so is my entire existence.

I am the mother of two little girls, beautiful blonde imps with strong personalities. I wash their smudged faces, make them dinner, read them books, and play dinosaurs on the dubious-smelling carpeting in their bedrooms. Their father and I work together to get them into bed, struggling with their wriggling bodies to brush their teeth. When they are comfortably tucked in for the night, falling asleep as they “read” to themselves, we sneak off to enjoy some alone time. This life I know, and although I’m never certain I’m doing the right thing, it’s the life that I feel most certain in. The map I’ve plotted with my intentions for life has changed with every passing year, but my first strong memories include wanting to be a mother. There is much to be said of watching your genetic material grow into a full-fledged person.

I am an aspiring author, who fights off hordes of doubt with the tip of a pen. I consider story ideas with every moment of silence and behave, underneath it all, much like a researcher as I watch the behaviors of the people in my other lives. I underline sentences in books that steal the breath from my lungs:

“The weapons that my enemies raised against me are venerated in hell as holy relics;
Plans that my enemies made against me are preserved as holy texts;
Blood that I shed upon ancient battlefields is scraped from the stained earth by Hell’s sacristans and placed in a vessel of silver and ivory.
I gave magic to England, a valuable inheritance…”
                                                        Jonathon Strange and Mr. Norrell

I devote an hour a day to paper and feel empowered when my pen glides across the page with great, inexorable ease. This is the life I feel the least confident in, but it’s the life I love with all my soul.

Someday these lives might all come together, and I can be one whole person instead of three, but perhaps not. Maybe I’ll just become more people instead, and treat each life as a research opportunity. After all, “Writing is a socially acceptable form ofschizophrenia.”

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